Safis Publishing is our main imprint. It is concerned with non-fiction, thought-provoking books on Islam.

Our vision is to advance an accurate, progressive, and multi-faceted understanding of Islam, including its literature, thought, practice, history, and role in the world.

Our mission is to provide trusted, high-quality books on various aspects of Islam for the expert and general reader.

Islamic Rethink
Our Islamic Rethink framework promotes an evolving, progressive understanding of Islam and guides our publishing strategy. Read more
In addition to proactively commissioning authors to write for us on topics we are interested in, we welcome the submission of book manuscripts that are aligned with our vision and mission. We are also interested in translations of classical texts that remain relevant today. You can review the subjects we are interested in here.
Please review our submission and assessment process here.
Abrogation in the Qur’an and Islamic Law
This book traces the development of the concept of abrogation from its most basic form to the complex and multi-faceted doctrine it has become. It also critiques the role of abrogation in rationalizing the view that not all of the Qur’anic revelation has survived and its application in Islamic law.
The Mystery of Israel in Ancient Egypt
A comparative study of the exodus in the Qur’an and the Old Testament with reference to relevant information from history and archaeology. The book contrasts the problematic Biblical narrative with the consistent Qur’anic account.
Jihad in the Qur’an
Focusing on the meaning of jihad in the Qur’an, this study explains that jihad is the person’s ongoing struggle against all manifestations of evil, starting with the evil drives within one’s self.
The Crucifixion of Jesus
This study shows that the belief in Jesus’ crucifixion is a matter of faith, not historical evidence. The book explains the serious issues in the Gospel narratives and compares them with the Qur’an’s assertion that Jesus was not crucified.
The Mystery of the Historical Jesus
This new contribution to the scholarship on the historical Jesus shows that, unlike the New Testament accounts, the Qur’anic image of Jesus is both internally consistent and reconcilable with confirmed history.