Safis Publishing is our main imprint. It is concerned with non-fiction, thought-provoking books on Islam.

Our vision is to advance an accurate, progressive, and multi-faceted understanding of Islam, including its literature, thought, practice, history, and role in the world.

Our mission is to provide trusted, high-quality books on various aspects of Islam for the expert and general reader.

Islamic Rethink
Our Islamic Rethink framework promotes an evolving, progressive understanding of Islam and guides our publishing strategy. Read more
In addition to proactively commissioning authors to write for us on topics we are interested in, we welcome the submission of book manuscripts that are aligned with our vision and mission. We are also interested in translations of classical texts that remain relevant today. You can review the subjects we are interested in here.
Please review our submission and assessment process here.
The Names of the Qur’anic Chapters
This book focuses on studying the names of the chapters of the Qur’an. It explains where each chapter name has come from and tries to identify naming patterns.
The Mystery of Israel in Ancient Egypt
A comparative study of the exodus in the Qur’an and the Old Testament with reference to relevant information from history and archaeology. The book contrasts the problematic Biblical narrative with the consistent Qur’anic account.
Purification of the Mind (Jila’ Al-Khatir) – Second Edition
This book has been replaced by a new edition
This book contains fifty-four discourses that Shaikh ‘Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani delivered at his school in Baghdad in the middle of the sixth Hijra century (1150-1151 CE). As in all of his sermons and writings, the Shaikh explains to his audience in these discourses how to draw nearer to God. His words are the fruit of years of personal strife against his lower self and complete dedication to God, telling the fascinating story of his attainment to nearness to God.
The Mystery of the Crucifixion
This book has been replaced by a new book
A critical examination of the narrative of the crucifixion of Jesus in the New Testament, Christian writings, and early historical sources. The consistent and more credible alternative scenario of the Qur’an is explained.
Fifteen Letters (Khamsata ‘Ashara Maktuban)
This book consists of fifteen letters by Shaikh ‘Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani. Articulated in a sublime mystical language, the letters describe spiritual experiences that are attained through striving against one’s base desires and committed devotion to Allah. They are written in a peculiar style whereby each sentence or group of sentences is followed by a related Qur’anic text, which is often a part of a verse.